Crate probe_rs

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Debugging toolset for embedded devices


  • Udev rules
  • libusb


Halting the attached chip

use probe_rs::{Probe, Permissions};

// Get a list of all available debug probes.
let probes = Probe::list_all();

// Use the first probe found.
let mut probe = probes[0].open()?;

// Attach to a chip.
let mut session = probe.attach("nrf52", Permissions::default())?;

// Select a core.
let mut core = session.core(0)?;

// Halt the attached core.

Reading from RAM

use probe_rs::{Session, Permissions};
use probe_rs::MemoryInterface;

let mut session = Session::auto_attach("nrf52", Permissions::default())?;
let mut core = session.core(0)?;

// Read a block of 50 32 bit words.
let mut buff = [0u32;50];
core.read_32(0x2000_0000, &mut buff)?;

// Read a single 32 bit word.
let word = core.read_word_32(0x2000_0000)?;

// Writing is just as simple.
let buff = [0u32;50];
core.write_32(0x2000_0000, &buff)?;

// of course we can also write 8bit words.
let buff = [0u8;50];
core.write_8(0x2000_0000, &buff)?;

probe-rs is built around 4 main interfaces: the Probe, Target, Session and Core structs.


All the interface bits for the different architectures.
Target specific configuration
Debugging support for probe-rs
Flash programming operations.


Defines a new typed access port.
Defines a new typed access port register for a specific access port. Takes
Defines a new debug port register for typed access.


The id of a breakpoint.
Generic core handle representing a physical core on an MCU.
An struct for storing the current state of a core.
A generic core state which caches the generic parts of the core state.
Gathers some information about a debug probe which was found during a scan.
A struct to describe the way a probe should be selected.
This is a mock probe which can be used for mocking things in tests or for dry runs.
The Permissions struct represents what a Session is allowed to do with a target. Some operations can be irreversable, so need to be explicitly allowed by the user.
The Probe struct is a generic wrapper over the different probes supported.
Describes a register with its properties.
Register description for a core.
The location of a CPU \register. This is not an actual memory address, but a core specific location that represents a specific core register.
The Session struct represents an active debug session.
This describes a complete target with a fixed chip model and variant.


The architecture family of a specific CoreType.
The method that should be used for attaching.
When the core halts due to a breakpoint request, some architectures will allow us to distinguish between a software and hardware breakpoint.
The status of the core.
Type of a supported core.
This error occurs whenever the debug probe logic encounters an error while operating the relevant debug probe.
Denotes the type of a given DebugProbe.
The overarching error type which contains all possible errors as variants.
The reason why a core was halted.
Instruction set used by a core
An error during probe creation accured. This is almost always a sign of a bad USB setup. Check UDEV rules if you are on Linux and try installing Zadig (This will disable vendor specific drivers for your probe!) if you are on Windows.
A value of a core register
The architecture specific core state.
The protocol that is to be used by the probe when communicating with the target.


A generic interface to control a MCU core.
An abstraction over general debug probe functionality.
An interface to be implemented for drivers that allow target memory access.
A memory mapped register, for instance ARM debug registers (DHCSR, etc).